SFU Game Developer's Club

games made at sfu

Welcome   This is SFU's official club for Game Developers!

Interested in making games? Of course you are! Come say hi on our Discord. We have no formal admissions process, so anybody can join. Seriously, let's chat! I'm @gebdev👋

Our club is for teaching and supporting all aspects of game development, be it art, programming, or design. Our members love hearing about new game projects & giving feedback / advice.

Whether you have dozens of games under your belt or are just starting out, all levels of experience are welcome here!


Swing by one of the meetings we run roughly every week in our Discord, or bring a project and get some snacks in person at the SFU Burnaby Campus at our Dev meetings (when available...) The following meetings are being run in the Summer 2024 Semester...

Interested in any of the following? Join our discord to participate

Monthly Missions (online)
Monthly meetings help peer pressure you to finally get your game projects done! At our first meeting of every month, you'll come up with a SMORT goal, then spend the next month accomplishing that goal, giving progress updates to us as you do so.

Don't complete your missions? You might end up losing all your hard earned Discord roles.

Generic Meetings (online)
Generic meetings are run every second week, and are anything but! These are the modern continuation of our classic General Meetings, the staple food of the game dev club. Join us to chat about games, learn a thing or two, and show off your current game projects.

Dev Meetings (in-person)
Dev meetings are run every week, are a 2-3 hour timeslot for you to work on your game projects during school. These meetings are run at SFU's Burnaby campus, and are a great way to get some progress done on a project despite a busy & stressful school schedule.

Dev meetings aren't currently being run, but keep an eye out for them.

Special Events

Mountain-top Game Jam   

In the Summer of 2023, we ran a 24 hour game jam with the CSSS which was an awesome success! You can play the 15 submissions here. We're planning to run another one who knows when, so stay on the lookout for it.

Game Jam Teams
Sometimes we organize teams to tackle certain game jams. Here's a list of the games we've made together:

Club Wide Project
We ran a club wide project once! It was a wild undertaking, and everything fell apart... but we still learned a lot! If you're interested in starting something like this again, please let us know :)

Game Dev Talks
Would you listen to a talk given by a game developer from Vancouver? We've run several talks, a few of which were recorded and you can find on our YouTube channel here.

Get Started in Game Dev

What's the best way to get into game dev?

Advice from club mentors coming soon!


Lovely People

more lovely people 🡥

aaaaaa, this is super cool !! (Can I help?)

If you're able, please do! Our exec team puts in a lot of effort, but there are still many events we wish we could run.

We'd really appreciate help with:

If interested, please reach out to us on discord (@Executive), or at the end of one of our meetings.